This is very use full technique for auto door bell censor using photo diode . in this project very cheap cost materials we will use. This is very use full bell because when on door any person wants to knock but you busy this time than normal door bell click in your mind some one has on gate.
but using this auto sensor you will not getting any disturbance during present some one door only u can use only beep light that is indicate you some one on door,
If any thief like to listen to your presence in your , for that he will take their ear near to door and he can listen you your present in your room and he will wait up to your sleeping....
but when you will use this sensor door bell than you definitely got intelligent trick.
if in case any thief will come to near door and wants to touch any of lock of door , your auto door sensor bell inform you any one has present at your door. as you can get alert without informing thief.
What materials use in this project.....
1. Zero PCB Board
2. LM358 IC
3. IR Transmitter Receiver Pair
4. LED (green)
5. 10K ohm Variable Resistor
6. Resistor(100ohm, 1k, 10K)
7. Buzzer
8. Mala Berg strip
Cost of above these materials approximate 200/-
According to drawing attached all parts and external supply give to circuit for operating 5Volt require , we can take help of mobile charger which is gives 5Volt.
Current detector tester
This is very safe we can check wire break and find out easily how long lengh after wire breaked inside cover without cutting wire. this is smart way we can find out wire break , generly we only when see wire cutted than we can find out physically there is wire breaked but supose wire internaly break without cover disturbance we will take long time to find out wire fault.
Part required--
PCB board
555 IC
10k Resistance
4.7uF/50V Capacitor
8pin IC Base
All Parts connected as per drawing we finally got......
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